Pre-Flop Ranges
When To Play Your Hand
With the addition of WideDeck's unique suit hierarchy, you may be looking for some data-backed strategy so that you know when it's advisable to play on, or raise first in (RFI), at the pre-flop stage.
The downloadable charts will cover our recommendations based on our estimates for each table position that you may be in, concentrating solely on RFI, so when you’re the first player to enter the pot voluntarily.
A typical raise is 2 to 2.5x the Big blind, working off a presumed stack size of 50BB+
How To Use Our Pre-Flop Charts
Step 1:
Find your table position at the top of the page, this guide features 9 different table positions.

Step 2:
From your hole cards, find your best suit from the column on the left. If your cards are the same suit, use the first chart.

Step 3:
Use the top row to find the rank (number or face card) of your second card.
Step 4:
Look into the table where your column & row meet, the colour here is the minimum suit in the hierarchy that you should play on (RFI) with.

Example: You are first to act from 'Under The Gun', at a 9-seater table. With 8 people to act behind your opening raise, your range is tight. You want to utilise premium hands which can hit good flops or fight back against re-raises. It is necessary to incorporate some weaker hands to ensure your holdings do not become too predictable. From 1431 combinations, we suggest 148 are RFI from UTG. 60% of these include a Ruby. Only 13 (9%) do not include a Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire, indicating how essential it is to play strong suits. High or connected suited hands give huge upside potential on the flop. Pocket pairs are less reliant on suit, with JJ Silver-Bronze still 70% likely to be the strongest starting hand at a full table. Raising with TT or 99 when you have a Ruby is suggested because it gives you a huge edge if called by the same pair. (TT with a ruby 95% to beat other combinations of TT)